We are a group of ordinary people doing life together. We offer love, acceptance, support, friendship, learning and a great morning tea. None of us are perfect, so we don't expect you to be either. Come along and give us a try.
We meet at 10:00 am in the church building every Sunday.
What to wear: we are not formal in our dress, so please wear whatever you feel comfortable in.
Worship is contemporary. We have a gifted music team who blesses us with a variety of songs including old and new hymns and contemporary Christian songs.
Preaching is typically through books of the Bible, and the Pastor seeks to help us not only understand and apply the Bible, but to give us tools to help us in our personal Bible reading.
On the first and third Sundays of each month we share communion and are preaching through the Psalms on these Sundays. Communion is open for all who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. If you are visiting and are not a Christian, we ask that you do not take the bread or the juice - this is a meal shared by Christians as we remember Jesus' death on the cross.
Parents and carerswith babies and toddlers have access to a dedicated space in the church building and to the hall next door - there is a speaker should parents wish to continue listening to the sermon or singing.
Toilet facilities (including wheelchair access) are also located in the hall.
We won't ask you for money! Our weekly offerings are collected during the service and are for our regulars who prefer to make their offerings in cash. If you are visiting you are our guest and please feel comfortable letting the bag pass.
Morning teain the hall concludes our time together on Sunday mornings. We enjoy this time to catch up and to encourage one another. Even if you are visiting for the first time, please stay and chat.